Requests must meet the following criteria:
If you have a change of address, please notify the church as soon as possible. We are charged for each "Reflector" that is returned by the Post Office. Most of the time it's the only way we receive change of address. To keep our database up to date, please notify St. Paul by calling 419-547-9225 or click the button below to send an email.
Did you know there is a hospitality hour between Sunday services?
Join us for fellowship and breakfast as well as coffee, juice and milk from 9:15-10:15am.
Ash Wednesday service will be held at 7pm, March 5th. We hope to see you there!
During The Chosen Season 3: Episode 3 Bible Study, we learned about the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah and the significance of challah bread. Pictured is Yvonne Wayland-Smith, who decided to make a loaf of challah bread to share at our Bible study.
The Women's Bible Study will begin meeting on Monday evenings starting March 3rd from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. We will continue viewing an episode of the Chosen with group discussions following. On March 3rd we will view Season 3: Episode 5. All women are welcome to attend. If you have any questions call Sherry Frasher at 419-765-7016.